Neil Bardal Funeral Centre | Phone: 204-949-22003030 Notre Dame Avenue Winnipeg MB R3H 1B9 
MacKenzie Funeral Chapel | Phone: 204-467-2525 433 Main Street | Stonewall, MB R0C 2Z0
Neil Bardal Funeral Centre | Phone: 204-642-7124 | 82 5th Street, PO. Box 1889 | Gimli, MB R0C 1B0 |

Our Funeral Directors

Our Funeral Directors

Our licensed funeral directors are committed to ensure that funerals under their care are arranged with the compassion and personal touch that you've come to expect.

Eirik Bardal funeral director
Eirik Bardal, Owner - Funeral Director / Embalmer
Office Phone: 204-949-2200
Fax: 204-694-9494

Eirik was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba to Neil and Annette Bardal. He was raised in Fort Garry and graduated from Vincent Massey Collegiate. He moved to Gimli in his early 20's where he met his wife Lisa, and together they have four children, Catherine, Sean, Samantha, and Josh and 3 grandchildren.

Eirik decided to become the 4th generation undertaker in the Bardal family and entered the Funeral Service Profession. Upon completion of his apprenticeship in 2000 with the Western School of Funeral Service, he was then licensed as a Funeral Director and Embalmer in the Province of Manitoba.

Eirik is a member of many organizations that he’s proud to support, and they are: 
  • Member of Viking Masonic Lodge in Gimli, Manitoba 
  • Scottish Rite Masonry in Winnipeg
  • Member of the Rotary Club of Winnipeg
  • Member of Hong Kong Veterans of Canada Association. This organization has special meaning to Eirik because his Grandfather Njall O. Bardal had fought and had been a prisoner in Hong Kong.

Bob Gardiner funeral director
Bob Gardiner, Funeral Director
Office Phone: 204-949-2200
Fax: 204-694-9494

Bob was born and raised in Winnipeg.

He's the 4th generation of a well known family involved in Funeral Service in Winnipeg for 117 years. His service and dedication to funeral service span 40 years, much of which was spent along side his grandfather Bert, his father Wilf, his uncle Alan and his wife Pat.

Bob's a member of Millennium Masonic Lodge No. 182 (formerly The Assiniboine Masonic Lodge No. 114), the Khartum Shrine, the Khartum Komedians, the Manitoba Wildlife Association, the Selkirk Wildlife Association, the National Firearms Association and the Royal Canadian Legion, Fort Rouge Branch No. 252.

Bob's hobbies include hunting and fishing. Over the years, he has competed as a promotional angler in numerous angling tournaments as the Kenora Bass International and the Walley Trail tournaments.

Mona Josephson funeral director
Mona Josephson, Funeral Director
Office Phone: 204-949-2200
Fax: 204-694-9494

Mona lives with her husband Richard in Gimli MB. She has been working for NBFC since 2008. Her journey began as a Funeral Celebrant in 2004 and lead her to become a Licensed Funeral Director in 2021. She finds it to be a true honor to walk along side families from the First Call to the Final Farewell, and to continue to be there for them as long as they need. Her favorite titles are Amma and Mom.

Mona Josephson funeral director
Joshua Mellen- Funeral Director
Office Phone: 204-949-2200
Fax: 204-694-9494

Joshua, was born in Portugal and raised in the United States and Belgium, settled in Winnipeg during high school.
He has devoted over a decade to his career as a funeral director since graduating college in 2010. Happily married with two children, he spends his free time cycling, gaming, and travelling to new destinations.

Mona Josephson funeral director
Hanna Trenter, Funeral Director & Embalming Apprentice
Office Phone: 204-949-2200
Fax: 204-694-9494

Hanna has joined our team at Neil Bardal Funeral Centre as a Funeral Apprentice. She is currently enrolled in the Canadian College of Funeral Service in the Funeral Director/Embalmer Program. Hanna started her journey in this profession with Precious Pet Cremation in 2021.
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